Page 29 - La Gatineau 27 août 2015
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To the West: by other parts of the same lot, property of Aurèle Periard and Denise Bissonnette or representatives.
The South-West corner is located at a distance of one thousand and forty feet (1,040’) more or less to the East of the range line between ranges NINE and TEN (Ranges 9 & 10).
Canton d’Aylwin
« Un immeuble connu et désigné comme étant Partie du Lot VINGT-CINQ (Ptie 25), Rang SEPT (R. 7) au cadastre officiel du canton d’Aylwin, division de Gatineau, mesurant DEUX CENT DIX PIEDS (210’) dans ses lignes est et ouest, par QUATRE CENT VINGT PIEDS (420’) dans ses lignes nord et sud, et le tout borné comme suit :
As the whole is now today:
With and subject to all servitudes both active, passive, apparent and non- apparent which might affect said immoveable.
As known as the attached plan remaining annexed after having been acknowledged to be true and signed for identification by the parties in the presence of the undersigned Notary.
-This lot is known by the parties at unofficial lot SIX of the North part of lot FORTY-FOUR (Pt 44N-6), range NINE (Range 9), township of Aylwin and each corner is identified by a metal post.
-Should a correction deed be necessary once a survey is produced; the parties agree to sign all documents to that effect upon request.
-au nord, à l’est et au sud par Parties du même lot :
The Vendor establishes a perpetual servitude of right-of-way on foot or otherwise vehicules in favour of the above described property as dominant tenement against part of lot FORTY-FOUR (Pt 44). Said road allowance between ranges NINE & TEN (Ranges 9 & 10), township of Aylwin, to communicate (from above described property to the public road between ranges NINE & TEN (R. 9 & 10).
The vendor agrees to build a road (chemin Jeanine East) from the above described property to said public road, the purchaser and his successors in title agreeing to contribute to the upkeep of said road from the above described property to the public road with other users.»
____________________________ GILLET, Stanley
Taxes municipales :
2 671,00$
McGOOEYE, Shirley
67 Abel St.
Smith Falls (Ontario) K7A 4M6
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
3 234,82$
McFERRAN, Norman
Taxes municipales :
8 480,90$
No de rôle : 3595-32-5150 Chemin Mary
Lot : Ptie 42, Rang 10 Canton d’Aylwin
«An immoveable property known and described as being part of lot forty- two (Pt. 42), Range Ten (R.10), according to the official plan and book of reference for the Township of Aylwin, Registration Division of Gatineau, measuring TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT FEET (208’) in width in its north and south boundaries , by FOUR HUNDRED FEET (400’) more or less, in depth, in its east and west boundaries, bounded towards the north by part of said lot forty-two (Pt. 42), the property of Mr. Peck or representatives, being part of the hereinafter mentioned right of way, towards the east by part of said lot forty-two (Pt. 42), at a line drawn parallel to the west boundary of the road allowance between ranges nine and ten of the said Township of Aylwin, and at four hundred and sixteen feet (416’) west thereof, towards the west by part of said lot forty-two (Pt. 42), at a line drawn parallel to the west boundary of the said road allowance and at six hundred and twenty- four feet (624’) west of thereof, said property known as lot three south of the non-official subdivision of said lot forty-two (n.o. 42-S).
No de rôle : 3595-26-7947 Ruelle Linda
Lot : Ptie 43, Rang 10 Canton d’Aylwin
LANGLEY, Kenneth N. Taxes municipales :
2 619,63$
2. An immoveable property known and described as being part of lot forty-three (Pt 43), Range Ten (R. 10), according to the Official Plan and Book of Reference for the Township of Aylwin, Registration Division of Gatineau, measuring two hundred and eight feet (208’) in width in its North and South boundaries by four hundred feet (400’) in depth, more or less, in its East and West boundaries, bounded towards the North by part of said lot forty-three (Pt. 43) at a line drawn parallel to the West boundary of the road allowance between Ranges Nine and Ten of the said Township of Aylwin, and at four hundred and sixteen feet (416’) West thereof; towards the South by part of said lot forty-three (Pt 43), property of Joey Peck or representatives and towards the West by part of said lot forty-three (Pt 43) at a line drawn parallel to the West boundary of the said road allowance and at six hundred and twenty-four feet (624’) West thereof, said property known as lot three North of the non-official subdivision of said lot forty-three (n.o.43-3 N.).
With a perpetual servitude of right of way on foot or with vehicules, in favour of the above described properties, as dominant tenement, against part of said lot forty-three (Pt 43) in the above mentioned right of way as servient tenement, to the said road allowance between Ranges Nine and Ten of the said Township of Aylwin, to communicate from the above described properties to the public road between said Ranges Nine and Ten of the said Township of Aylwin, where the said road allowance becomes a municipal road, with the obligation for the purchaser and his successors in title to contribute to the upkeep of the said road
Box 14, Site 28, R.R. 3 Taxes scolaires : Sydney (Nova Scotia) B1P 6G5 TOTAL :
1 049,25$ 3 668,88$
No de rôle : 4090-68-5562 Route 301
Lot : 25-14, Rang 6 Canton d’Aylwin
« An immoveable known and designated as being lot number FOURTEEN of the official subdivision of original lot number TWENTY-FIVE (25-14), according to the official plan and book of reference for Range Six (R. 6), Township of Aylwin, Gatineau Division Registry Office. »
____________________________ LAVOIE-BERTRAND, Laurette
Taxes municipales :
1 320,37$
a/s Roger Simard
176, rue Brian
Gatineau (Québec) J8P 4S1
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
491,01$ 1 811,38$
No de rôle : 3890-98-4281
Adresse civique : 42, chemin du 8e Rang Lot : Ptie 25, Rang 7
-à l’ouest par le chemin Aylwin. »
Taxes municipales :
3 657,29$
BISSONNETTE, Francine 1-317, Murray
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 5N5
No de rôle : 3393-29-8128
Adresse civique : 33, chemin Bourgon Lot : 37-25, Rang 11
Canton D’Aylwin
« Désignation du bien vendu et du fonds dominant : An immoveable property known and described as being lot TWENTY-FIVE of the official subdivision of original lot THIRTY-SEVEN (37-25), RANGE ELEVEN (R. XI) according to the official cadastre of the Township of Aylwin, Gatineau Land Registry Office, province of Quebec. Etant un terrain vacant sans adresse civique.
Mode d’acquisition: Le vendeur a acquis l’immeuble aux termes d’un acte de vente inscrit au bureau de la publicité des droits de Gatineau sous le numéro 297-150.
224 Woodroofe, app. 1 Ottawa (Ontario) K2A 3V4
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
1 554,06$ 10 034,96$
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
1 031,62$ 4 688,91$
1. «An immoveable property known and described as being part of lot forty- three (Pt 43), Range Ten (R. 10), according to the Official Plan and Book of References for the Township of Aylwin, Registration Division of Gatineau, measuring four hundred and sixteen feet (416’) in width in its North and South boundaries, by four hundred feet (400’) more or less, in depth in its East and West boundaries, bounded towards the North by part of lot forty-four (Pt 44); towards the East by part of said lot forty-three (Pt 43) at a line drawn parallel to the West boundary of the road allowance between Ranges Nine and Ten of the said Township of Aylwin and at six hundred and twenty-four feet (624’) West thereof; towards the South by part of said lot forty-three (pt 43), the property of Joey Peck or representatives, being a part of the hereinafter mentioned right of way and towards the West by part of said lot forty-three (Pt 43) at a line drawn parallel to the West boundary of the said road allowance and at one thousand and forty feet (1040’) West thereof, said property known as lots four and five North of the non-official subdivision of said lot forty-three 9n.o. 43-4 & 5 N.).
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