Page 31 - La Gatineau 27 août 2015
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Canton d’Aylwin
« 1 All and singular that certain piece of land of irregular figure being part of Lot Twenty-one (Pt. 21), Range Six (R 6) in the Township of Aylwin, Registration Division of Gatineau, Province of Quebec, which may be more particularly described as follows (ATTACHMENT) Commencing at a point indicated by the letter ``M`` on a plan dated September 11th , 1957 and prepared by Mr Jean-Paul Alary, Q L S, which point is located on the Easterly limit of a road dividing Range Five and Six and distant Three Hundred and Twenty-Six Feet (326’) south of the divisional line between lot Twenty-One and Twenty-Two thence a distance of Six Hundred and Fifteen Feet (615’) measured in a direction North 70° 12’ West along the Southerly limit of the A nderson Road to point ‘’ A’’ , point of commencement, (DESCRIPTION) From point ‘’A’’ as described above, a distance of Five Hundred and Eighty Feet (580’) measured in a direction south 16° 47’ West to the Kazabazua creek, point ‘’B’’ on the mentioned plan, from point ‘’B’’ a distance of One Hundred and Thirty-Seven feet (137’) measured along the shore of the Kazabazua creek to point ‘’C’’, from point ‘’C’’ a distance of Six Hundred and Thirty-Five Feet (635’) measured in a direction North 16° 47’ East to point ‘’D’’, from point ‘’D’’ a distance of One Hundred and Twenty-Five Feet (125’) measured in a direction South 70° 12’ East to point ‘’A’’, point of commencement.
The said parcel of land is bounded towards the North by the Anderson Road, towards the East and the West by Lot 21, property of Olive Steele or representatives, and towards the South by the Kazabazua Creek, and contains an area of 1 75 acres more or less, all distances in the present description and on the mentioned plan are in English measure.
As the whole now is today with all the buildings thereon erected, circumstances and appurtenances, SAVE AND EXCEPT a roadway of Fifty Feet (50’) wide across the above described property.
2 An immoveable known and described as being part of lot number Twenty-One (Pt 21), Range Six (R 6), of the Township of Aylwin, County of Gatineau, Province of Québec, and more fully described as follows: Starting at a point on the south side of Anderson Road and at the north- east corner of Mr Smith’s property, said point being as a distance of Six Hundred and Sixteen Feet (616’) measured in a direction north 70° 12’ West, from the division line between Range five and Range six, of the township, said north-east corner of Mr Smith’s property is indicated by letter ‘’A’’ on a plan prepared by Mr Jean-Paul Alary, Quebec Land Surveyor, on the eleventh day of September nineteen hundred and fifty- seven and annexed to the original number 2814 of the minutes of Me Cléo Vaillancourt, notary, from the starting point, point ‘’A’’, in a direction south 70° 12’ East, a distance of sixty-five feet (65’) to the north-west corner of Larocque’s property, thence, in a south-westerly direction, a distance of approximately five hundred and twenty-êight feet (528’) to the Kazabazua Creek, thence, in a westerly direction, following the Kazabazua Creek, a distance of approximately sixty-five feet (65’) more or less to point ‘’B’’, indicated on the above-mentioned plan being the south-east corner of Smith`s property, thence, in a direction north 16° 47’ east, a distance of five hundred and eighty-feet (580’) to the point of commencement and the whole bounded as follows towards the north b y Anderson Road, towards the west by the Smith property (Part 21), towards the south or south-east by the Kazabazua Creek, towards the east or south-east part of Larocque’s property (Part 21) and part by Lot 21.
Said property subject to a roadway of fifty feet (50’) wide crossing said lot, from east to west; SAVE AND EXCEPT Part of said Lot sold to Ernest Chartrand, copy of which Deed was registered at the Division of Gatineau on the second of October 1973 under number 113-171. »
at a line drawn parallel to the west boundary of the road allowance between ranges nine and ten of the said township of Aylwin, and at six hundred and twenty-four feet (624’) west thereof, towards the south by part of lot forty-one (Pt 41) and towards the west by part of said lot forty-two (Pt 42), at a line drawn parallel to the west boundary of the said road allowance and at eight hundred and thirty-two feet (832’) west thereof, said property known as lot four south of the non-official subdivision of said lot forty-two (n.o. 42-4S)
The Vendor hereby establishes a perpetual servitude of right of way on foot or with vehicles, in favour of the above-described property, as dominant tenement, against part of said lot forty-two (Pt. 42), in the above-mentioned right of way, as servient tenement, to the said road allowance between ranges nine and ten of the said Township of Aylwin, to communicate from the above- described property to the public road between said ranges nine and ten of the said Township of Aylwin, where the said road allowance becomes a municipal road, the Vendor agreeing to build a road from the above-described property to the said public road, the Purchaser and their successors in title agreeing to contribute to the upkeep of the said road from the above-described property to the public road, jointly with the other users of the said road. »
Taxes municipales :
3 146,31$
-To the West, by part of same lot, property of Vendor.
The Parties, acknowledge that each corner of the said sold property is indicated by a post. The lot is known unofficially as Lot 42-3N. »
291, Wellington St. Chatham (New Brunswick) EIN 1P1
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
3 906,71$
No de rôle : 3595-22-8848 Chemin Mary
Lot : Ptie 42, Rang 10 Canton d’Aylwin
«An immoveable property known and described as being part of lot forty- two (Pt 42), range ten, according to the official plan and book of reference for the Township of Aylwin, Registration Division of Gatineau, measuring TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT FEET (208’) in width in its north and south boundaries, by FOUR HUNDRED FEET (400’) more or less, in depth in its east and west boundaries, bounded towards the north by part of said lot forty-two (Pt 42), the property of the Vendor, being part of the hereinafter mentioned right of way, towards the east by part of said lot forty-two (Pt 42),
41 Dorion St.
Kazabazua (Québec) J0X 1X0
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
1 671,28$ 5 243,13$
Taxes municipales :
2 366,35$
P.O. Box 3210
Halifax South (New Brunswick) B3J 3H5
No de rôle : 4090-79-2965 Route 301
Lot : 25-12, Rang 6 Canton d’Aylwin
« An immoveable known and designated as being lot number TWELVE of the official subdivision of original lot number TWENTY FIVE (25-12), according to the official plan and book of reference for Range Six (R.6), Township of Aylwin, Registry Division of Gatineau.
The whole as it exists presently. »
a/s Diane Lortie
567 Cow Bay Rd
Eastern Passage (Nova Scotia) B3G 1J6
No de rôle : 3595-43-7792 Chemin Mary
Lot : Ptie 42, Rang 10 Canton d’Aylwin
-To the North, by the division line between Lots 42 and 43, Range 10, presently indicated by an old fence;
-To the East, by part of same lot, property of Purchaser;
-To the South, by part of same lot, being known as Mary’s Road;
Taxes municipales :
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
2 564,25$
Taxes scolaires : TOTAL :
205,52$ 998,06$
« An immoveable known and described as being part of Lot FORTY-TWO (Part 42), Range TEN (R. 10) at the official cadastre for the township of Aylwin, Registry Division of Gatineau, measuring TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHT FEET (208’) in width in its north and south boundaries, by a depth of FOUR HUNDRED FEET (400’) in its east and west boundaries, all more or less, and the whole bounded as follows:
VISSER, Steven Rene
Taxes municipales :
3 571,85$
No de rôle : 4090-71-1121 Adresse civique : 41, rue Dorion Lot : 22-61, Rang 6
Canton d’Aylwin
« All that property known and designated as being the lot number SIXTY-ONE of the official subdivision of the original lot number TWENTY-TWO (22-61), of the Sixth Range (Rg. VI) on the official plan and book of reference of the Township of Aylwin, Regisration Division of Gatineau, province of Quebec.
With all the buildings thereon erected, circumstances and dependancies,
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